Saturday, February 14, 2009,1:14 PM
Happy Velantine`s Day!

Yi-Hern give me this chocolate^^
情人节快乐..........!! =D 又是一个很普通的情人节... 只不过多了几份礼物朋友送... 本来今天情人节高一理科班要Test A.Maths Chapter 1 Function... 可是因为IS在学校有个讲座会要全高中部理科去听... 所以不用考咯...^^
那个讲座会的主题是Crime Scene Investigation (Forensic Science)... 他们请一个不知从哪里来的Forensic Scientist跟我们解释... 从9点到11点... 两个小时哦!!!! 很闷eh! 那个slide差不多全部都是字!!! 又很少照片.... 如果有video应该没有酱闷~~~~~
最后半个小时是发问问题的时间.... 满多人问的... 也满多很"废"的问题.... 其中一个是:"怎样才可以让一个案发,Forensic Scientist查不到原因?" =='''
等下4pm还要去补习哦!! 晚上才可以出~~~~~~ 下星期一又有Test.... T.T 这个星期我已经不知一共有多少个Test 了.... 太多... 还有两个星期.... Mid-term就要到了... 死咯!! 我的A.Maths Chapter 2 & 3 都很Blurr....
Anyway... Happy Valentine`s Day......! God Bless All Couple!!! Appreciate Ur Lover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =]
sometimes i look back and see nothing
Bonjour. My name's ying ying and i'm 17, going 18. 9th May is my birthday.
I'm just another somebody. I'm extremely fond of chocolates and pizza.
I heart simplicity and i've a passion for soft colours- purple, pink, white. I swear my deep love for KIM HYUN JOONG & PINK HOUSE`11. I'm pretty quiet, except that when i'm really *high*, i can get reallyreallyreally wild. I believe in miracles, alright, and hell yes i love my pretty and awesome friends.
I like: Kpop/Chinese/English Music. Personal faves inlude Taylor Swift + 倪安東 + Kim Hyun Joong. ♥ K-dramas consisting of Princess Hours, Boys Over Flowers, Playful Kiss.
I'm learning two things i've considered most important in my life: To love, and not to hate. So love you if you love me(:
I ain't perfect but I'm unique, live with it.
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Saturday, February 14, 2009,1:14 PM
Happy Velantine`s Day!

Yi-Hern give me this chocolate^^
情人节快乐..........!! =D 又是一个很普通的情人节... 只不过多了几份礼物朋友送... 本来今天情人节高一理科班要Test A.Maths Chapter 1 Function... 可是因为IS在学校有个讲座会要全高中部理科去听... 所以不用考咯...^^
那个讲座会的主题是Crime Scene Investigation (Forensic Science)... 他们请一个不知从哪里来的Forensic Scientist跟我们解释... 从9点到11点... 两个小时哦!!!! 很闷eh! 那个slide差不多全部都是字!!! 又很少照片.... 如果有video应该没有酱闷~~~~~
最后半个小时是发问问题的时间.... 满多人问的... 也满多很"废"的问题.... 其中一个是:"怎样才可以让一个案发,Forensic Scientist查不到原因?" =='''
等下4pm还要去补习哦!! 晚上才可以出~~~~~~ 下星期一又有Test.... T.T 这个星期我已经不知一共有多少个Test 了.... 太多... 还有两个星期.... Mid-term就要到了... 死咯!! 我的A.Maths Chapter 2 & 3 都很Blurr....
Anyway... Happy Valentine`s Day......! God Bless All Couple!!! Appreciate Ur Lover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =]
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