Sunday, May 31, 2009,8:41 PM
Exam week
Hey! I`m back... Lalalalalala!!! Sorry i did not update my blog.. and now it's all over... Wheeeeeeeeeee!!! I miss my TV.. I miss my comp.. And the most important... I MISS MY BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can`t even sleep properly during exam... Sleep abt 2 hours per day!!!!! How come i can tahan de ah? Hm......
Monday English - Pass Computer - Pass/Fail
The english paper don`t even have enough time to complete it... Gah!!! And some of the question make me confused.. Yer!! Izzit my own fault, all others also don`t have enough time to complete it?? Haihz... I think 70% i oso got problem to score... sigh... Next, computer.. okay.. I can tell you guys is I DIN`T STUDY COMPUTER...
Tuesday Chinese - Pass Chemistry - Pass (Aim for 80^^)
Chinese, I hate our chinese teacher!!!! Ask us to study the notes that she gave us but when the paper come out some of the question is not at the notes... It`s from the textbook... Damn.. How many marks had i throw away???!!! And i dunno what the hell is the tradisional comprehension talking abt!!! I think i will get 60% for my chinese this time.. 1st time.. And i can feel that my chinese is getting worst.. Science stream almost all subject in english la... Everyday use english de... T.T Fine.. I really need to pay attention during her lesson liao... Chemistry was okay.. hehe^^
Wednesday BM - Pass Physics - FAIL!!!
BM.. Hm... was kinda okay.. KINDA.. at least i know how to answer almost all the question.. As you guys know i`m not good in counting... Zzzz... But the physics paper turn out more about explaination!!!!!!!!!!!!! =O=!! Shyt..
Thursday (The WORST day) A.Maths - FAIL!!!! Biology - Pass
Told you i`m not good in counting... Sigh.. Sleep for 1 and a half hours for today.. go to bed at around 1am.. then wake up again at 3:30am and start to study again.. Zzz.. So this what i get?!! Biology.. No 80% for this time.. feel so dissapointed abt it.. My favorite subject eh!!!
p/s: I go to city mall to cut my hair after school.. And guess what? My hair........ 3 inch gone!!!! T.T i should cut abt 2 inch.. I miss my hair.... Stupid me!!!
Friday Sejarah - Pass/Fail
The paper was okay? i also dunno.. dome i know how to answer but some i dunno.. =.= Haihz.
IT`S HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 See i`m so hardworking.. Not like Joey keep play with my cute pencil case.. XD
 Small small de Mr.Lim.. XD
sometimes i look back and see nothing
Bonjour. My name's ying ying and i'm 17, going 18. 9th May is my birthday.
I'm just another somebody. I'm extremely fond of chocolates and pizza.
I heart simplicity and i've a passion for soft colours- purple, pink, white. I swear my deep love for KIM HYUN JOONG & PINK HOUSE`11. I'm pretty quiet, except that when i'm really *high*, i can get reallyreallyreally wild. I believe in miracles, alright, and hell yes i love my pretty and awesome friends.
I like: Kpop/Chinese/English Music. Personal faves inlude Taylor Swift + 倪安東 + Kim Hyun Joong. ♥ K-dramas consisting of Princess Hours, Boys Over Flowers, Playful Kiss.
I'm learning two things i've considered most important in my life: To love, and not to hate. So love you if you love me(:
I ain't perfect but I'm unique, live with it.
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Sunday, May 31, 2009,8:41 PM
Exam week
Hey! I`m back... Lalalalalala!!! Sorry i did not update my blog.. and now it's all over... Wheeeeeeeeeee!!! I miss my TV.. I miss my comp.. And the most important... I MISS MY BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can`t even sleep properly during exam... Sleep abt 2 hours per day!!!!! How come i can tahan de ah? Hm......
Monday English - Pass Computer - Pass/Fail
The english paper don`t even have enough time to complete it... Gah!!! And some of the question make me confused.. Yer!! Izzit my own fault, all others also don`t have enough time to complete it?? Haihz... I think 70% i oso got problem to score... sigh... Next, computer.. okay.. I can tell you guys is I DIN`T STUDY COMPUTER...
Tuesday Chinese - Pass Chemistry - Pass (Aim for 80^^)
Chinese, I hate our chinese teacher!!!! Ask us to study the notes that she gave us but when the paper come out some of the question is not at the notes... It`s from the textbook... Damn.. How many marks had i throw away???!!! And i dunno what the hell is the tradisional comprehension talking abt!!! I think i will get 60% for my chinese this time.. 1st time.. And i can feel that my chinese is getting worst.. Science stream almost all subject in english la... Everyday use english de... T.T Fine.. I really need to pay attention during her lesson liao... Chemistry was okay.. hehe^^
Wednesday BM - Pass Physics - FAIL!!!
BM.. Hm... was kinda okay.. KINDA.. at least i know how to answer almost all the question.. As you guys know i`m not good in counting... Zzzz... But the physics paper turn out more about explaination!!!!!!!!!!!!! =O=!! Shyt..
Thursday (The WORST day) A.Maths - FAIL!!!! Biology - Pass
Told you i`m not good in counting... Sigh.. Sleep for 1 and a half hours for today.. go to bed at around 1am.. then wake up again at 3:30am and start to study again.. Zzz.. So this what i get?!! Biology.. No 80% for this time.. feel so dissapointed abt it.. My favorite subject eh!!!
p/s: I go to city mall to cut my hair after school.. And guess what? My hair........ 3 inch gone!!!! T.T i should cut abt 2 inch.. I miss my hair.... Stupid me!!!
Friday Sejarah - Pass/Fail
The paper was okay? i also dunno.. dome i know how to answer but some i dunno.. =.= Haihz.
IT`S HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 See i`m so hardworking.. Not like Joey keep play with my cute pencil case.. XD
 Small small de Mr.Lim.. XD
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